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Weirdly Happy


Quirky Documentary Series


People across Britain seek happiness in a variety of ways. We set out to uncover the most weird and wonderful paths to joy across the country.


Lisa Hartle

Written By:


Lisa Hartle

Writer / Journalist

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Concept Overview:

In today's face paced, highly stressful life more and more Brits are turning to alternative methods of hobbies and experiences in order to find happiness. 
Generations have tried meditation, gardening and knitting and now they're searching for the next 'hot yoga'. 
All over Britain we aim to uncover what weird things everyday people are taking pleasure in. From Lama Treks in North Yorkshire, to a lady offering Dragon egg painting classes in Glastonbury. This series explores the quirky activities Brits are getting up too across the country that provides joy.
Our writer and presenter, Lisa Hartle is herself an amazingly positive and good natured egg.
Imagine 'Top Gear' but instead it's Lisa, 'road testing' weird activities.

Proof of Concept:


You probably already suspected this, but people in the UK are not feeling altogether happy with life. For the first time since the Office for National Statistics started measuring wellbeing, indexes of both life satisfaction and the feeling that things done in life are worthwhile have declined significantly.

Average ratings of happiness in the UK fell by 1.1% in the year ending March 2020, compared with the year before, falling in both Scotland (1.2%) and England (1.1%) during this period. At a regional level, average ratings of happiness fell in the North East (2.3%), London (1.7%) and the South East (1.6%). 

Putting aside the quirkiness of this documentary series, the thought process behind its development is to tap into the psyche of people who aren't feeling as fulfilled in life in the hope that they will tune in initially to be inspired.

Timeframe / Episode Structure

Pipeline researched so far provides means for seven episodes of 20-23 minutes of content.
Each episode would feature three activities in-depth and our presenter would not only get to know the people taking part but also get involved herself to give a first timer's insight.
Production times would be speedy as research has been completed and all that is required is filming on locations and editing. Four-five weeks would see a full series completed.



Available for development

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